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Stay Strong








Yes, now is the time to stay strong.

I found this hand written note from my dear mother and decided to frame it.

It is certainly needed in this time. My mother grew up  in a different era.

Though some things were much easier, life did still bring

conflict and problems to be solved.

Yet she had a deep faith in God and always,

no matter the situation, relied on His strength.

She was a beautiful, faith-filled godly woman and I am

so thankful for her influence in my life.

Her words to us today would be the same: stay strong.

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Everything changes around us but Jesus Christ is the same

yesterday, today and forever. Be encouraged and stay strong!

There will be a new slant on “Lovely Lane” in the weeks

ahead bringing us to”Nell’s Corner.”

We will share #allthingsnostalgic, a bit of mother’s advice

and bring back good memories to keep us on track in

this current day.

I hope you share this journey with me with your own sweet memories.









“Hanging with the Rich & Famous” by Cynthia A. Lovely

IN MY WORDS – It started out as a normal window shopping experience while on vacation.

Always enjoyable and sometimes entertaining. This time it was our annual stroll through the village of Westhampton Beach. I wandered into a shoe store and immediately noticed a display of sneakers. I have a few pairs but I love finding unusual ones. These sneakers were a bit different but nothing spectacular. I picked up one of them. Turned it over for price. Hmm…truly needed  my reading glasses. I handed it to my husband. “That says $80.00, right? It almost looks like four zeros.”

He grinned and handed it back to me. In a low tone of voice he said, “Yes dear, they are $800.00.”


The sales clerk raised her perfectly formed eyebrows at my loud exclamation. I lowered my voice. “You’re kidding, right? How can a pair of sneakers be $800.00?”

“You’re in Westhampton Beach,” he replied.

I placed the royal sneaker back in the display and backed away slowly. Exit shoe store scene.

I admit I had an urge to bring the sneaker back to the sales clerk and give her the third degree. “I think there is a mistake on this price. Why would any sneaker be worth $800.00? Do you have any idea what I could buy with $800.00?” But of course, she only worked there and therefore not responsible for the price, so I behaved myself.

Come to find out after I googled expensive sneakers, they can run up into the thousands. Sneakers, people. That get scuffed and dirty and stinky. Why oh why would you waste that amount of money on a pair of sneakers? I do not have that mindset. And honestly, even if I were rich and could afford it, I STILL wouldn’t pay this amount for….sneakers. Would you? Rant over. I need to go shopping and find a nice pair of KEDS.

What is the most money you have ever spent on a pair of sneakers? 



“Weekend Wanderings” by Cynthia A. Lovely

 IN MY WORDS – Another summer weekend with the requisite water views.

This lovely lane goes by the ocean along duBois Beach in Stonington, CT.


We had a sweet getaway. Supportive husband spent some time exploring Rhode Island and sitting on the beach while I learned more writing skills and hung out with my writerly crowd at a Writer’s Seminar.

Added bonus was spending quality time with my cousin in nearby Mystic. She led us all along the coast in RI and both days we beat the dinner crowds by going early for spectacular waterfront dining.

Ah…summer. Even with the high temps, it was wonderful. Oh yeah, and we cooled down by watching Hallmark Christmas in July movies in the evenings. 😎

What did you do this past weekend?

Plans for next one? Don’t wait…summer is going by quickly so enjoy it while you can!


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